All submissions are moderated under the following guidelines. Make our job easier by not being terrible.
While we, as upstanding journalists, rally against censorship in all its forms, we have to set a few limits to guarantee the longevity of this publication. Here are some guidelines to supplement your general common sense when moderating submissions:
Don’t allow anything offensive, discriminatory or malicious. This journal is available to anyone with an internet connection. The Daley Mail doesn’t reflect the views of Burgmann as a college, but the casual reader does not know this. If you wouldn’t be comfortable with your lecturer/grandmother/anonymous Russian IP address attributing an article to your name, do not publish it.
Be careful with targeted material. Targeting individuals on a public forum is a form of harassment, even if the material doesn’t name them specifically. If a particular resident, group or event comes to mind when you read an article, use your common sense. If it’s malicious, don’t publish. If it’s vague, contact the author for clarification and seek consent from the targeted students before publishing. Even if it seems benign, run it by the subject first.
Don’t let your pride ruin someone else’s day. If someone asks for material to be taken down, take it down. Don’t argue – their complaint might appear unreasonable, but if an article has made someone uncomfortable, your opinion on their feelings is immaterial.
Be pedantic with article quality. You don’t have to publish everything that meets the above guidelines. As an editor, your job is to pick out the funny, original articles and make them look legitimate. The Daley Mail is for the readers. Give them good content.
The Daley Mail is for everybody. In-jokes are fine, but if you know only a handful of residents will appreciate the article, don’t clutter up everyone’s feed with it.