BREAKING: Student discovers PwC internship actually much harder than 7 contact-hour IR degree
Local international relations scholar Edmund Macauley, 22, has been left reeling after discovering that his routine holiday resume-builder actually requires a level of effort comparable to the workload of an engineering student.
Having taken on a 6-week unpaid internship with the professional services firm during his annual Term 3 identity crisis, Macauley first began to notice the toxicity of full-time employment when his superiors informed him that daily briefings would not be recorded on Echo360.
“Another day another dollar,” Macauley stated in an open letter published on Snapchat, despite the fact that he will never receive monetary payment for the internship. “Hard work makes the dream work”.
However, when contacted by Daley Mail correspondents, he expressed concerns about the HR compliance of the internship: “Sitting at a desk really takes it out of you. My mate did basically the same internship in Adelaide and they actually appreciated that he was a student.”
“I mean, I can stretch a coffee run to 30 minutes and they send me home at 5pm, but outside of that they actually expect me to contribute to the company.”
Peers of the freshly-minted young professional have already noted changes in his daily conduct, which came to a head when Macauley issued a close-friends Instagram story of an individual bottle of Cooper’s Light in an empty share house kitchen.
It is yet to be confirmed whether the young professional will sustain permanent injuries from fulfilling the basic requirements of functional adulthood.